For Beginners, Learners, Pros and Accompaniments, Explore resources below to up your Ukulele Skills.
Please provide images of your Ukulele group for inclusion to our page here >
Richard G's SONG BOOK
Ukulele Wednesday SONG BOOK
Ultimate Guitar & Uke
Kala Song Tutorials
Ukster Brown's Place
Bytownukulele Group 1
Bytown Ukulele Group 2
In Bed by Ten
Ukulele Hunt Resources
Song Key Converter
Chord Namer
NZ Music Links:
Yolanda Music - Originals
NZ Compositions
Lost Chords - Ukulele
1 Absolute Beginner
2 Try a New Chord
3 40 Easy Songs
4 More Easy Songs
5 Keys and Songs
6 Hakuna Matata
7 Happy Birthday
8 House -- Rising Sun
9 Key of A
10 Key D Major
Cynthia Lin Website
Cynthia Linn - Youtube
Cynthia Lin - Beginners
Cynthia Lin - Tutorials
AUSTIN Uke Playalongs
Marco Cirillo 8 steps Uke
Chord Progressions
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Seven Strum Patterns
5 Common Mistakes
High G vs Low G string
Jazz Progressions
Explaining the Blues
C Minor Blues
Chord Adim7
Major Pentatonic Scales
5 Types of Seventh Chords
G7 Chord shape
Tutorials and more >
MIKE LYNCH Resources >
Barre CHORD Exercises
1 Left Hd Finger Exercise
2 Left Hd Finger Exercise
Lessons on Website
Beginner Finger Picking
Backbeat to Your Rhythm
Backbeat plus Melody
Chucking + Drum + Strum
Left hand form
Right hand form
Rt hand Finger picking
Hammer on / off
Vibrato Five exercises
Tapping Technique
Travis Picking
How to play with feeling
Increase Left hand reach
Warm up exercises
4 Chord Transitions
Inspirational Players
Jake Shimabukuro
Jakes Doco - Life on Four Strings
Taimane Gardiner
Taimane-Long Story Short 27min
James Hill
The group has grown from just 6 members four years ago to 30+ members today. We cover a fairly wide cross section of music, which we all contribute to.
We are very fortunate to have June Pharo lead the group and she does her best to get us to play and sing the songs to the best of our ability. However the overriding theme of the group is to spend a couple hours every week having fun with music and enjoying each other’s company.
Convener Eileen 07 576 3183
If your U3A has a Ukulele Group, U3A NZ would like to hear from you.
Further suggestions & info contact Garry via email >
Garry has created the
website for all NZ U3A to obtain Ukulele resources.
Hamilton U3A UKULELE Group
Gisborne Ukulele Group
Ukulele Group "Uke'n'sing" meets 2nd and 4th Thursday 10.00 - 11.00am
Waiarapa Ukulele Group Meets 10.00 am Fridays
Currently our group comprises a few regular players, and we would dearly love to have more people join us. Previous experience is not necessary, just an enthusiasm for making music together. We meet every Friday at 10am in the Education Centre, 22 Dixon Street.
Convener: Christine 04 379 6975
Wellington U3A Performing Music Group
New members welcome. Jennifer 04 479 5325
We have been having fun sessions from 2017. We get together twice a month 2nd & 4th Tues at 1.30pm and at Christmas luncheons have led singalongs.
Bay of Islands U3A Singing for Fun 1st Tues 10 am
We welcome shower singers, songsters, trillers, crooners, yodellers… anyone who wants to get together for a singsong. No auditions required. The talentless and talented alike are welcome. Members do not need to be able to read music, nor is there any requirement to be able to sing in tune.
Mt Albert U3A Singing For Fun 1.30 pm 3rd Friday
A group catering for those who love to sing, with the emphasis placed on the FUN factor, led by a very experienced choir leader and accompanist.
Wakatipu U3A Performance Music Group
It is a common experience that people will often say that one of their main regrets in life is that they never learned to play a musical instrument. Playing the Ukulele is also a first-rate way of developing and maintaining a good level of mind/body coordination especially as such skills deteriorate with age. Each time the group learns a new chord on their four-stringed instruments they open a whole new range of tunes for them to learn and perform. Co-ord. Jasmine 04 238 2191
Wakatipu U3A Performance Music Group
Playing an Instrument BENEFITS YOUR BRAIN >
Tawa U3A Music Performance & U3A Singers
Co-ord. Gillian 04 232 4200 or 021 231 4240