Questions and Answers

Please feel free to ask a  question. Be first with an idea. Use the Contact page top right

Why is this website needed? 
This website's aim is to list every U3A group in New Zealand, with a link from the Directory >  page to their own Contact / Information page.  For persons interested in joining a U3A, this website provides a complete Directory list to view U3A in their area and to compare. That said, some U3A themselves, do like to compare and obtain ideas and inspiration from other Groups. This site has all the links and comparisons in one place.  

Who provides and  who updates the U3A Contact details?
Each U3A is directly responsible to update their own information.  Usually the task to update is delegated to a committee member. If you mislay your log in information, feel free to contact us for a reminder.

I have a website, why do I need to be listed?
A google search produces on the first page of searches and usually in the top three positions. The more U3As who have separate websites the less likelihood of being high on the first page, or on the first page at all.  Our directory page provides not only a link to the website, but its a quick way to find essential  information like Contacts, Up todate News and Interest Groups. 

Does my U3A need a separate website of its own? means that every U3A in New Zealand has a presence on line with very little trouble or expense. New U3As who communicate with us can be on line immediately with their own Home page, boosting their morale and membership potential.  We even provide a new web address. See below.

We would like a direct link to our U3A page on this site ?
For every U3A we list on the Directory page we provide a login username and password. To access one of these Local Home pages directly, bypassing the home page and the Directory page, the web address format is:- eg for Howick U3A it would be Those U3A without websites will find this extremely useful so they can publicise the web address in their newsletters for members. 

Website Security? 
Our site address when connected to a web page starts with https://  (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP which many websites still use.  It means all communications between your browser and this website are encrypted.  We have in place protection from email harvesters for the email addresses listed on this site.

I have updated our U3A page, but I cant see the changes?
You computer stores pages for faster loading. You need to clear the Computer cache. The fast way for Chome browser is to SHIFT+CTRL+DELETE and tick on Cache Images and Files and then Click on CLEAR DATA. Other Browsers > 

Why is the U3A Logo Different to that used in the UK?
The main reasons for the change :-
- New Zealand needed its own U3A identity. The "3" has a koru feature, the "A" has a mountain peak on top of the letter. The letters "U and A" have the ocean around the letters. All reflective of NZ. To add to this recently we have inserted a map  with NZ across it.   
- The Yellow and Blue UK version does not fit easily with the colour scheme of web pages.  
- The UK style is outdated graphically with the "3" appearing smaller in size to the letters "U" and "A".  A Google search for "U3A Logo" shows that other U3A also have a different style.  
- With one colour one can choose a regional colour to suit ones locality and it can be used to provide a fresh concept colour on a webpage.  Canterbury Website has chosen Maroon.  Through the resources page there is a download of this artwork in different colours.  Every U3A has a choice to keep with what they want. If a U3A wants a variation on our designs we are able to help.

Do I have to be retired to join a U3A?
U3A membership is not related to a specific age but to a period in one’s life (the third age) after the second age of full-time employment and parental responsibility. Anybody in their third age can join U3A and this includes people who are working part-time. There is generally no lower age for membership but as all U3A in NZ are autonomous, it is best to ask the one you wish to join for their policy.

Who controls U3A New Zealand?
In New Zealand there is no National U3A Organisation. Each U3A is autonomous. While most follow the principles initially formulated by Peter Laslett, there are U3A which modify the structure to suit their locality.

Website History:
Ten years ago this type of site was produced and funded soley by Garry Clark when there were 3 websites trying to list U3A, but with different content and updating information problems.  Four years ago, because of a change in the delivery of websites to different devices, and website management workload, a group of four U3A members were assembled to produce a site with minimum Local U3A management and combine into one reliable website source.
Garry, John, Fay and currently David, manage the site for free, with the hosting and domain names paid for with donations from U3A in New Zealand.  We manage financially with an average donation of $5.00 per U3A per annum.

U3A = University of the 3rd Age ? ?  PROBLEM ! ! 
The Law in New Zealand is that we can't use "University" in our "U of the 3rd Age title. "University" is reserved for the current University qualification establishments.  Govt Ref > Maybe we should rebrand ourselves in NZ as;- "Universally of the third age" or "Universe of the third age" or "United in the third age" or even "Uni of the third age". 

© Copyright 2020    U3A New Zealand    In New Zealand there is no National U3A Organisation. Each U3A is autonomous. On request, we allow any U3A worldwide to provide a link to this website, and / or a link to the complete list of New Zealand U3A via the Directory page.   The website management does not update individual NZ local U3A content (contact information), but provides the NZ U3A with Login access to update details themselves. 
The best U3A website for a comprehensive directory listing of all U3A in New Zealand .